A very happy Pableu. "Life is GOOOD"! |
Pableu and Helaku learn to play. Cool pic hm? |
The weather lately has been crazy. Just like life. One day sunny and brite, the next, dark and miserable. Yesterday was warm, sunny and lovely, and in the midst of it, Pableu got a terrible tummy ache. After herbing him up and rubbing his belly, he was okay but it scared the scat out of me none the less. Today, it was cold, rainy, dark at times with snow in Mt. Shasta. He was happier and more full of joy that I've ever seen him. When I let him out with Smoke and Echo today he ran around tossing his head, bucking, biting them on the butt and having a ball. It was almost as if he was saying " This is great!!! I made it and life is good!" Later when I went in the big corral where Joaquin and Helaku were to scoop poop, he came and stood at the gate so he could come in and visit with them. He played a lot with Helaku and I was happy about this because Helaku is really a loner but he was really good and gentle with P. Joaquin's behavior was interesting. He hung back in another part of the corral and all but ignored what was going on. Whereas when Pableu comes in to play with Smoke, he chases Smoke off. I have a feeling he knew this was good for Helaku and so left them alone. Then when he was done, he went and stood at the gate and I let him out to graze some more with the other two. In spite of the crazy weather, it was a good day and my boy once again, filled us all with joy and a humble feeling of gratitude that we were fortunate to live yet another day in beauty and love...
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