joaquin and pableu freein' up
i have a beautiful young friend named keith 'kdub' williams who's working real hard to improve the lives of inner city youth with art and skate skills. recently he commented about a tv show that shows a bunch of folks dancing and having a really cool time to music. he referred to it as "free-up". i thought about this for a long time cuz so many of us are so caught up in stuff we've forgotten how to free ourselves up and have fun. we overthink, overuse, overanalyze, overdo, we just do way too much of a whole lotta nothin'. what if we applied a "free-up" principle to our relationship to horses? instead of constantly asking them to do stuff for us, how 'bout just letting them be sometimes. letting them do what comes natural to them to do with little or no interferance from us? my husband elvon let pableu out of his corral today and he went nuts running and bucking and getting all the other, older horses all riled up. it was great. he was so happy. he freed-up. horses are contantly freeing up. it's part of how they live in the world and how they express themselves. why don't we take the time to do this? why don't we run around and act nutty and goffy outside when the weather is nice or put on some music and really let loose? we're too busy, too caught up, too this or too that to free-up. maybe if we did, maybe if we ran with our horses, played with them on their terms once in a while, they will see that we are not so strange, so repressed and so uptight, and the love and trust we so desperatly want from them will come easier
Well, the colt is a cutie...but I kinda like Joaquin-ie. :)