Sunday, May 15, 2011

tell it yourself...

josephine in her early days

a reporter came over a couple of weeks ago to talk to me about the horses and meet pableu. i was adamant about my position concerning the BLM'S inaccurate numbers and faulty reoprts on the conditions of things in the HMA'S and told him why i was and that i wanted this stated in the artricle he was writing for a local paper. he ignored this, misquoted me, got names wrong and insulted our home. he described it as "battered" and commenced to writing a dumb, patronizing, story that was inacurate and full of mistakes. we live in an old, vintage, 1952 pan am trailer that some wonderful friends gave us, that we are restoring. so far it's been quite cozy and has a beautiful teak and rosewood floor that elvon put in with wood from the scrap pile off his last job, and a 'carrot door' in the kitchen that's for the horses when they walk by. bit by bit, our "battered" home is becoming quite lovely. we choose to live without many creature comforts so that we can live off the beaten track, with our animals, in peace and beauty, and hope that someday, we can build an even nicer home and the trailer can become a guest home. i learned a lot about 'truth' with this guy. and what i learned that was most important was that if you want to report the truth, simply tell it yourself. and...that beauty is once again, in the eye of the beholder. we think our home is great, our animals love it here and we're all pretty friggin' happy. he has another opinion. evident in the little puddle i found in front of the toilet he used...  

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