Tuesday, April 12, 2011

handsome whistlesmoke

our handsome and sweetest boy

This horse is possibly the sweetest one around and i constantly sing praises to his original owner who passed away and made it possible for us to give him a home. Whatever he did in bringing this horse along was wonderful because Smoke is so wonderful. I thought he was going to be my horse but he made it very clear from day one that he wanted to be elvons horse. He looooves elvon and never misses a chance to give him a big lick across his face when he sees him. He's our 'elder' but on the trail makes any other horse eat dust with his big wiggly butt and quick clip of a trot. Lately he's been the target of Pableu's misguided, hormonal attentions but Smoke usually gives him a little kick and that's that. He's just adorable and we never get tired of spending time with him. The Whistlesmoke part of his name came from a young Blackfoot warrior named 'Young Whistlesmoke' and the handsome part well...he is very handsome... 

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